Imaxina que non exista o ceo,
é fácil se o intentas.
Sen o Inferno debaixo nosa,
arriba de nós, só o ceo.
Imaxina a toda a xente,
vivindo para hoxe…
Imaxina que non hay países,
non é difícil de facer.
Ninguén por quen matar ou morrer,
nin tampouco relixión.
Imaxina a toda a xente vivindo a vida en paz…

Podes dicir que son un soñador,

pero non son o único,
espero que algún día te unas a nós,
e o mundo vivirá como un.

Imaxina que non hai posesións,
quixera saber si podes,
sen necesidade de gula ou fama,
unha irmandade de homes.
Imaxínate a toda a xente compartindo o mundo.

Podes dicir que son un soñador,

pero non son o único,
espero que algún día te unas a nós,
e o mundo vivirá como un.


Vietnam War was a military conflict that started 1 November 1955 and finished 15 May 1975 when the Mayaguez Incident concluded. It was a part of the Cold War occurred in these countries: North Vietnam, South Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. The war occurred between South Vietnam supported by the Americans and North Vietnam supported by the communists. On the other side of North Vietnam killed 10 times more than in the South. Still, after the war ended with the victory of communist, North over the South, the Vietnam War was marked in the moral as the second defeat in military history of the United States after the Korean War. This war is considerate too, the Second Indochina War.

Really modern times

In this video Charles Chaplin criticizes the society. The hard work they did that most people were exploited, then get very low wages.

He criticizes industry and the desire to make money, the inequality suffred by society.


During the Industrial Revolution, women, men, and also children worked in factories and coal mines. In Victorian times, the coal was very important in the industry, and the children were exploited. They pushed trucks of coal along mine tunnels wherefore they were called 'putters'. Many children started work at 2 in the morning and stayed below ground for 18 hours.

This children, mostly poor, couldn´t go to the school, because their families couldn´t pay it. Only rich children went to the school and learnt. But fortunately , by 1880, the law said that all children aged 5 to 10 must go to primary school, so every child would receive at least a basic education.

Many Victorian children were poor and worked to help their families. Families got no money so they must work. The Industrial Revolution created new jobs, in factories and mines. Many of these jobs were at first done by children, because children were cheaper than adults.




Thomas Alva Edison was born in Ohio, USA, on February 1847. He was an American inventor, scientist and businessman who developed many devices such as the phonograph, the motion picture camera, and the electric light bulb. Dubbed "The Wizard of Menlo Park" he was one of the first inventors to apply the principles of mass production and teamwork to the process of invention, and therefore is credited with the creation of industrial research laboratory.
He was one of the inventors who contributed most to change the life of modern man. In turn, Edison, was a key figure in the consolidation of new technological research. He is considered one of the most prolific inventors in history, holding 1,093 U.S. patents as well as many patents in the United Kingdom, France, and Germany. He is credited with numerous inventions that contributed to mass communication and, in particular, telecommunications. These included a stock ticker, a mechanical vote recorder, a battery for an electric car, electrical power, recorded music and motion pictures. His advanced work in these fields was an outgrowth of his early career as a telegraph operator. Edison originated the concept and implementation of electric-power generation and distribution. Some of this inventions are : light bulb, phonograph, dictaphone…Edison died in 1931 in New Jersey.


In this chart, it is represented the percentage distribution of the world´s manufacturing production between 1870 and 1913. We can see that the United Kingdom was the most important country in 1870 as there began the industrial revolution, so this country was industrialized quickly and it was a superpower manufacturing country and in this time, was invented the railway, so the transport improve which helped the industry. But, in 1913, the USA exceeded the United Kingdom because it was industrialized too, later. The USA had more people and more territory so, over time this country was the most producer of manufactured products with more industry. And, actually, the USA is one of the most important countries with respect to industry.

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