1.Fontes renovables- renewable resources- flows or living things which are either never-ending or grow quickly enough that their use does not lead to exhaustion.

2.Traballo a tempo parcial- part-time work- a form of employment that carries fewer hours per week than a full-time job. Part-time workers commonly work fewer than 30 or 35 hours a week.

3.Fontes non renovables - non-renewable resources- resources which are replaced slower than the rate at which they are used and they can be exhausted in a short period of time e.g. coal.

4.Inflación – inflation- a general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of money.

5.Deflación- deflation- reduction of the general level of prices in an economy.

6.Países desenvolvidos -More economically development countries (MEDCs)- Western Europe, North America, Japan and Australia

7.Países subdesenvolvidos- Less economically development countries (LEDCs)- - poor countries, especially in Africa, South America and Asia.

8.Novos países industriais- Newly industrialising countries (NICs)- countries that have undergone rapid industrialisation since the 1960s. The term is most commonly applied to the four 'Asian tigers' of Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan, but this is becoming out of date, and today we can include China and India.

9.Renta per cápita- per capita income- how much each individual receives, in monetary terms, of the yearly income generated in the country.

10.Balanza de pagamentos- balance of payments (BOP)- payments that flow between any individual country and all other countries.

11.Débeda-debt- a sum of money owed.


1. Bens e mercadorías-goods and commodities- merchandise or possessions freight. A raw material or agricultural product that can be bought and sold.

2. Recursos naturais e materias primas- natural resources and raw materials- the things we use that are provided in the natural environment e. g. water, minerals, fuels, soil and so on.

3. Beneficio- profit- a financial gain, especially the difference between an initial outlay and the subsequent amount earned.

4. Servizos- services- activities that do not produce or modify goods, they include education, health care, transport, tourism…

5. Hipoteca- mortgage- a legal agreement by which a person takes out a loan using as security real property (usually a house which is being purchased).

6. Accion- share- any of the equal parts into which a company’s capital is divided, entitling the holder to a proportion of the profits.

7. Globalización- globalization- It can be described as a process by which the people of the world are unified into a single society and function together.

8. Producto Interior Bruto (PIB)- Gross Domestic Product (GDP)- the total summed value of the output in a country for a year.

9. Bolsa- stock exchange- a market in which shares are bought and sold.

10.Oferta- supply- the amount of goods or services available.

11. Deslocalización- relocation- move to a new place and establish factories or businesses there.

12. Paro- unemployment- the number or proportion of unemployed people.

13.Sindicatos- trade unions- organization of workers who have banded together to improve working conditions.

14.Demanda- demand- the desire of buyers to purchase goods or services.

Amur river

NAME: Amur

LOCATION: China (Heilongjiang) and Russia (Oblast to Amur, Oblast Autonomic Hebrew and Krai to Khabarovsk).

LENGHT: 2,874 km (system Amur-Argun 4,494)

SOURCE: Khentii mountains.

MOUTH:Ojtosk sea (Pacific ocean)

FLOW FACTS: the Amur river, border ago between China and Russia. It´s the ninth longer river in the world. It has a basin 1,885,000 km2. This river flows by the north of Asia, from the mountains northern China, to the Ojtsk sea. In the mouth, the river, touches the northern extrem to Sakhalin.


Nine months freezing. Very low evaporation. Below 300 mm precipitation.


Cool summers and long, cold and hard winters. The lowest temperatures (outside Antarctica). Largest temperature range.


Mild summers and winters. High moisture and cloud cover. Low temperature range.


There are two summers:

Warm summers are hot and humid with cold waves sometimes. Large temperature range.

Cool summer with long winters and moderate summers. Less precipitations than the warm summer. Large temperature range, too.


Moist winters but dry summers. Sunny climate.


High humidity specially in the summer. Frost with polar air masses in the winter. Between 1,000to 2,000 mm precipitations of year.


The driest zone on the Earth. Low moisture. Very high temperatures on the day and the nights are very cold. Little rains, annual precipitation less than 250 mm.


This climate has two season: Heavy rain season and short dry season. Before de rain period, came the highest temperatures.


Wet season in summer and dry period in the winter. Warm temperatures. Rainfall less than the Equatorial Climate and Monsoon.


High temperatures and heavy precipitations all the year. Cloud cover and very high moisture.
There are Equatorial Climate in the nearest areas of the Ecuado, intertropical zones with low latitude.

Questions for Lewis and Clark´s Journey.

1. Who had the idea of this adventure? Why?
The president Thomas Jefferson, because he wanted more power and more richness for the United States.

2.How did Mandan Indians behave with the expedition?
The Mandan Indian were very good with the explorers. They were kind and welcoming, too.

3.Who helped the expedition to continue when the maps failed?
An Indian guide.

4.When did they finish the journey and come back home?
The expedition ended on 7th November 1805. The next spring, they came back home and they arrived in St. Louise on 23rd September 1806.

5.Did they find an easy route, followed afterwards by other people? Why?
Yes, they did. Many people, follow the Lewis and Clark´s route in search of new lands and trade

Volcano Trek.

Orinoco River.

Weather Forecast for Europe.

Most of Europe is suffering a low pressure area or a depression, particularly along the Atlantic coast. A storm coming from the North Pole that brings cold fronts and rain, it is affecting the Iberian peninsula and the British Islands. That storm is also carrying a warm front to Scandinavia and Central Europe. In northern Europe there is also a depression, with warm and cold fronts that is affecting Russia, mainly because the countries of the Black Sea coast.However, in the south, in the Italian Peninsula and much of the Mediterranean Sea, is now an area with high pressures and good weather.

Umia river.

NAME: Umia River.
LOCATION: Galicia (Aciveiro, A Estrada, Cuntis, Moraña, Caldas de Reis, Portas, Meis, Ribadumia and Cambados.
LENGHT:70 km
SOURCE: Aciveiro (Forcarei)
FLOW FACTS: The river has this tributaries:Raigosa, Filloi, Alende and Grela.
In Caldas de Reis it produces a cascade. Between Ribadumia and Cambados, the river form wetlands where we can see migratory birds in all seasons.

Climograph 3.

This climograph is for the Humid Subtropical Climate.
In this climate rains a lot during in the year. The winters are very cold, because come to subzero temperatures. In the summers rain too, but there are warm temperatures.

Climograph 2.

This climograph is for the Mediterranean Climate. The winters are wet and there are warm temperatures. The summers are dry with high temperatures.

Climograph 1.

This climograph is for de Desert Climate. All the year the temperatures are very high and is a very dry climate, because rain a litlle bit during the year.

The hurricane Mitch (Central America 1998)



Hurricane Mitch was one of the most powerful and violent hurricanes in the history, it feached the category 5 on the scale of the hurricanes Sffir-Simpson, because of the high mortality caused, between 11,000 and 8,000 people; and the strong wind overcoming 290km/h. This hurricane caused extensive material damages too, between 6,000 and 8,000 million dollars.

Mitch was active for two weeks, from 22 October to 5 November 1998, in the hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean this year. It affected all the countries of Central America, specially Nicaragua, Yucatan Peninsula, Honduras and the south of Florida Peninsula.

At first, the hurricane was a tropical wave from Africa, but it moved to the Caribbean Sea, where it began to form. After passing through Colombia and Jamaica and going to the west on 22 October, Mitch was considered a tropical storm and gave it name. On 24 October it became a hurricane, two days later it was very dangerous and belonged to the category 5. The pressure of Mitch went down until 905hPa. The eye of the hurricane passed through the coast of Nicaragua and was losing intensity close to Honduras. It became a tropical depression and it weakened, but there were remnants of the hurricane, so it formed again a tropical storm passing through the Gulf of Mexico.

The last time it went on land it was in Florida, but later it came to the north of Great Britain like a extratropical storm without causing damages.

Physical map of the world.

Countries of America

Countries of Europe.



12th of October, 2009, Monday, Autumn

In Galicia there will be an anticyclone. Will be sunshine and dry in the morning but in the afternoon there will be clouds and, maybe, weak rains in the north.
The temperature going to be between 19º and 28º.
Win will blow to the northeast.
There will be fog in some cities in the cente of Galicia.


Cos datos desta táboa podemos facer, por exemplo, unha clasificación, dependendo da poboación, da densidade, da superficie e do Producto Interior Bruto dos países pertencentes á Unión Europea.

-Así, clasificamos os países da segundo a súa superficie.
Os que posúen a maior superficie son:Francia, España, Suecia, Alemaña e Finlandia.
Os que teñen menor área son:Malta, Luxemburgo, Chipre, Eslovenia e Bélxica.

-Clasificación segundo a poboación.
Os países máis poboados son: Alemaña, Reino Unido, Francia, Italia e España.
Malta, Luxemburgo, Chipre, Estonia e Eslovenia.
Así podemos sacar en conclusión, que os países con máis habitantes son os que están ben económicamente e os que están ó sur de Europa.

-Dependendo da súa densidade:
Malta, Países Baixos, Bélxica, Reino Unido e Alemaña son os países con maior número de habitantes por kilómetro cadrodo.
En cambio, Finlandia, Suecia, Estonia, Letonia e Lituania son os que menos habitantes teñen en relación coa superficie.
Facendo unha observación, dámonos conta de que os países que menos habitantes teñen por kilómetro cadrado, son os que están ao norte do continente, isto é debido ao clima frío que hai neses países.

-Segundo o PIB per cápita (Producto Interior Bruto)
Os países que máis beneficios producen nun ano, divindindo esa cantidade entre o promedio da súa poboación no mesmo periodo de tempo son: Luxemburgo, Noruega, Irlanda, Países Baixos e Dinamarca.
Sin embargo, Bulgaria, Rumania, Letonia, Polonia e Lituania son os países que menos beneficios consiguen producir.
Coincide tamén, que os países que están máis ao leste, que son os último en incorporarse á Unión Europea, son os que menos beneficios producen. En cambio, os países máis ricos, coinciden cos países que antes se incorporaron á UE.

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